Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

Wisuda Ganjil 2012

Once again, happy graduation for all of my friend who graduate. #metal08, my senior (metal 2006, metal 2007) and friends from another faculties. I proud of you. Go ahead for your career then :)

Another photos

friend who isn't graduate yet. we wiil graduate together next term, i wish

sito & odi (sastra prancis), can't wait to have fun together again

congratulations cibod (pariwisata)

anyway, one of my friend (#metal08) already go to Korea for continue her master degree. After we had been farewell party, she went to Korea. Good luck ane for your study there, enjoy your life and keep success ;)

she is ane, strong girl hehe anyway i'm so f*ckin dark here

"Where The Land Inspire The World"

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