Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

Backstage on Sabang, Jaksa and Menteng

satnite with my lovely colleague at Jl. Sabang, Jl. Jaksa and Taman Menteng. we walked around and sang a song for collect money for backstage RTC. ya, it called "ngamen" or maybe you can call that "moving concert" *yakali* hahaha. okay really amazing satnite with all of you colleague :3

first, we gave surprise for our manager EO, yes dinda.

yeah, i made it poster for her that include greeting from all of EO's children (maksudnya anak EO, hahaha)

and continue for our first purpose, that is "ngamen"

thanks colleague for your spirit until now. keep your spirit up and we still have many to do list. we can do it together. it will be our memories for backstage 2011. bye :)

"Where The Land Inspire The World"

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