Rabu, 03 Desember 2014

1st Drink Entrepreneur Jakarta

Making friends never been boring. Last Thursday, there was Drink Entrepreneur in YEYO, Senopati. I know this event from my friend. He recommended me to join this event since there would be many entrepeneurs and investors. Honestly, I never heard about Drink Entrepreneur before that time. Drink Entrepreneur is monthly meeting which held to gather entrepreneur and we can have casual conversation while drinking. We can absolutely discuss about our startup or personal matter.

I had many new connection there. Managing director of mobile apps startup, professional chef, owner of sneakers startup, photographer, account executive in advertising agency, entrepreneur in tile industry and many more. Moreover, the people are not only Indonesian, but from several countries such as German, Denmark, United States, etc. I can't write detail about story of each person since it would be too long. We shared our name card, and I wish I can keep contact with them, even just several with them. And I can't wait the next gathering. One of organizers said, the next will be conducted in January 2015. So, stay tuned :)

"Where The Land Inspires The World"

Minggu, 23 November 2014

Dieng Trip: Different with What People Say

The desire to go to Dieng has been existing in my mind since a year ago. Eventually about two weeks ago, I could make it.  I registered open trip by My Permata Wisata. The travel fee is IDR 385.000 all-in, from Jakarta Kota train station to Dieng and revert to Jakarta Kota. Initially, Sandy, my YOT mate, asked me to join this trip together with several YOT mates. I confirmed to join this trip while asking to other circles to join this trip. I asked my office mates and last phuket trip members. In the end, I had this trip together with three circles, YOT mates, Office Mates and my "Arab Gang". In fact, two of my "Arab Gang" were substituted by Ina and Anton, the paralayang pilots. We've just met there and effortlessly can share many interesting stories and new languages.

Me, Anton (from Bellarusia), Ina (Mapala UI) and Reza

Before going to Jakarta Kota train station, I have problem in my office which made my boss mad at me. I almost was threatened failing join this trip. Fortunately, I still can go out from office though a bit late. We were rushing to Cawang train station by Taxi, then continued to Jakarta Kota by train there. Jakarta Kota is our meeting point, so I met all of my mates there.

The train which used for our trip started to go around 9 pm. Honestly, the train is over my expectation. Although some of my mates complained or grumbled about the train, I didn't do it. I enjoyed the train. Because the first and the only one of my experience going to central Java by train is in 2009 when I went to Jogja using business class train. However the current economy class is better than former business class. As I remember, when in 2009 business class is still not using AC and peddlers can enter the train. Otherwise, current economy class has AC and there is no paddler at all. And the AC quite cool even very cool in our back way.

From Jakarta Kota to Purwokerto train station takes about 10 hours. It's quite long. Nevertheless, my friend said it can be just for 6 hours if I go using north track. We were going through south track, headed to Bandung first then continued to Purwokerto. We arrived at homestay around 1 pm as I remember. After having lunch, we went to Dieng Plateu Theater. Firstly, I was very excited wondering how the dieng theater is. When we were there, as always we took many pictures of us then watching movie about Dieng. Sorry to say, but the movie quality so bad. However the quality of Dieng Theater is still okay, I mean, comparing as theater in out-of-town.

Afterward we continued to Telaga Warna. Having name as colourful, but the fact is not. Telaga warna as not colourful as its name. We captured some pictures there and continued to Kawah Sikidang. Rain was starting there and I got beautiful picture according to me. Back to home stay, had dinner, and getting know to new friends.

Telaga warna

YOT mates + Uta

Sunset at Kawah Sikidang #nofilter

The new day was started by hiking to Sikunir. It is the most famous spot in Dieng as I know. Some of my mates post beautiful sunrise photograph there. Even though I didn't get the sunrise, again and again I still enjoyed how we reach the top together with my travel mates. Personally, I think the track as not as steep as big mountain, but it's quite challenging. After taking selfie, we went down and sit in the bus.

Best picture in Sikunir. Model: Icha

from Bukit Sikunir


Traffic while returning from top Sikunir

Relaxing :')

The last vacation spot where we visited was Candi Arjuna. You can't compare it with Candi Borobudur or other prominent candi. Nonetheless it can be nice place to walk with your mates while chatting about our interest. We returned to homestay, had a lunch and continued to Purwokerto train station. We stopped to eat mie ongklok before heading to the station. And in back way, I got new experience by trying Ina's nest. It called hammock actually. Although Ina and Anton were reprimanded by security, I had tried this swing before :)

Candi Arjuna


While walking around Candi Arjuna

The last one

"Where The Land Inspires The World"

Rabu, 05 November 2014

A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Selebrasi dalam Komedi

Pementasan A Midsummer Night’s Dream merupakan pementasan Teater Sastra UI yang ke-328, bertepatan dengan perayaan 30 tahun berdirinya Teater Sastra. Pentas ini merupakan pentas tahunan ke-6 Teater Sastra UI di Graha Bhakti Budaya, setelah Tragedi Macbeth (2009), Sketsa Robot (2010), Baju Baru Sang Raja (2011), Musuh Masyarakat (2012), Selingkuh (2013).

Selain menyuguhkan pementasan, dalam rangka ulang tahun ke-30 ini Teater Sastra juga menghadirkan pameran yang menyajikan rekam jejak Teater Sastra UI sebagai teater yang meramaikan jagad perteateran Indonesia. Pameran Teater Sastra UI akan berlangsung selama pementasan, yakni 13 November – 16 November 2014. Foto-foto pementasan, berikut properti yang digunakan dalam pementasan, akan menyambut para penonton sebelum mereka memasuki gedung pertunjukan.

Teater Sastra UI juga menggunakan momentum ini untuk mempertemukan kembali alumni-alumni Teater Sastra UI. Selama lebih dari 30 tahun berdiri, ratusan mahasiswa telah menimba ilmu dari kelompok teater yang paling tua dan berpengalaman di lingkungan UI ini. Tercatat beberapa anggota DPR, pengusaha, dosen, peneliti, bintang sinetron, penulis, wartawan, dll, pernah memperkuat barisan Teater Sastra. Reuni Alumni Teater Sastra ini diadakan dalam bentuk jamuan makan siang pada Minggu, 16 November 2014, tepat sebelum pementasan terakhir.

Tahun ini, di usia ke-30, Teater Sastra Universitas Indonesia kembali tertantang untuk memanggungkan karya Shakespeare, setelah sukses menampilkan Tragedi Othello (1988) dan Tragedi Macbeth (2009). A Midsummer Night’s Dream menjadi pilihan kami karena secara historis drama ini ditulis untuk sebuah perayaan. Di satu sisi kami ingin merayakan tigapuluh tahun keberadaan kami di jagad teater Indonesia, dan di sisi lain merayakan suasana pasca Pilpres yang hasilnya kami harapkan dapat membawa kita menjadi bangsa yang lebih cerdas, berbudaya dan bermartabat.

Berbeda dengan komedi-komedi yang kami produksi sebelumnya, seperti Komedi (anti) Porno (2006), Sketsa Robot (2010)  dan Baju Baru Sang Raja (2011), yang sarat dengan muatan permasalahan sosial dan kemasyarakatan, kali ini kami sengaja memilih komedi yang nyaris tanpa permasalahan sosial yang ‘berat’. Sebagaimana dalam komedi Shakespeare yang lain, permasalahan utama komedi ini adalah cinta, cinta yang bisa membawa tokoh-tokohnya menuju penderitaan atau kebahagiaan.

Karena dunia yang diceritakan adalah dunia komedi, maka semua harus berakhir bahagia. Setelah semua kekacauan yang terjadi, semua kesalahan pun dimaafkan, dan hidup kembali berjalan dengan damai. Satu hal yang ditunjukkan oleh Shakespeare dengan drama ini adalah bahwa untuk mencapai perubahan dan perbaikan, seorang tokoh tidak boleh menerima keadaan, tidak boleh tinggal diam dan siap menempuh kekacauan. Namun, sebaliknya, untuk memperoleh kebahagiaan dan ketentraman seorang tokoh harus bisa menerima kenyataan, apa adanya.

Dan karena komedi adalah perayaan, kami berharap pertunjukan ini akan menjadi perayaan bersama bagi kami dan seluruh penonton yang hadir menyaksikan pertunjukan ini.

Acara         : Pementasan “A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM” oleh Teater Sastra UI
Tempat      : Graha Bakti Budaya, Taman Ismail Marzuki
Tanggal      : 13 November 2014 (Press), 14-16 November 2014 (umum)
Kontak       : Bambang Tetuko
                   +62813 6437 4581

Tentang Teater Sastra UI
Teater Sastra UI adalah teater kampus tertua di Universitas Indonesia. Teater Sastra UI berdiri pada tahun 1984 di kampus UI yang saat itu masih berada di Rawamangun. Teater ini didirikan oleh I. Yudhi Soenarto, yang saat itu merupakan seorang mahasiswa jurusan sastra Inggris. Sejak awal konsep teater kampus yang diterapkan oleh Teater Sastra bukanlah teater mahasiswa, tapi teater warga kampus yang terdiri atas dosen, mahasiswa, pegawai, dan Alumni UI.

Tentang Sutradara
Pertunjukan ini disutradarai oleh I. YUDHI SOENARTO, pengajar mata kuliah drama di program studi Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia. Untuk pementasan kali ini, secara khusus ia menyiapkan versi terjemahan baru agar bahasa Indonesia yang digunakan tetap up to date. Spesialis Shakespeare ini juga pendiri dan ketua pertama Laboratorium Seni dan Budaya FIB UI (1999 – 2003) dan direktur artistik Yayasan Teater Sastra. Selain itu, ia juga mengajar di Jurusan Teater Institut Kesenian Jakarta (IKJ/1999-2009) dan anggota Komite Teater Dewan Kesenian Jakarta (DKJ/2006-2009).

"Where The Land Inspires The World"

Senin, 03 November 2014

Enjoyable Office Mates

In this world, you just have two options. Either do what you love or love what you do. If you do what you love, of course you love what you do. But if you don't do what you love, you still need to love what you do.

It just light post to show the way I enjoy the office circumstances. Office mates are the most influence matter in working life. If you want to enjoy your job, you should have enjoyable partner (at least).

Ichthys Team

Handover Meeting

Super Fake 2014

Several weeks before deadline, when our workload was increase, we got some intern to help our project hahaha. Actually, they are not intern, just engineer same with us. But they are temporary contracted until the project finish then back to their original project again. The day when I brought DSLR + tripod, but Yohan out of office. So, there's no Yohan in below animated pictures.

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 photo ichthys-team-dsme-deci-fpso-08_zpsavekgnni.gif

"Where The Land Inspires The World"

Sabtu, 01 November 2014

Accompany Bulgarian around Jakarta

Have you ever read my blogpost about being a host for polish woman? If you haven't, just read it here. A week ago, I accompanied young student from Bulgaria. Her name is Petia. Actually, I am bit surprised when I got couchrequest from Petia. Because that was my first time being requested. For my first experience as couchsurfing host, I just was asked by my friend to accompany her guest from Polandia. The polish woman didn't contact me directly via couchsurfing.

I made appointment in my office tower after office hour. Petia said she stayed in Pejaten. So, I gave her detail direction and information to reach my office. When we were going to Bundaran HI, she said she were from Monas. If I had known it before, I'll tell her just stay in Monas or directly meet up around Bundaran HI.

She is 3rd year student who take Book Publishing as her major and also part time as publisher. So relevant. She shared me a lot about Bulgaria. She said that Bulgaria is the lowest economic country in europe union. In other side of economic, it has beautiful scenery. Petia loves to hike and do adventure activities. I slightly surprised when she said a bit about Indonesia history. She knows it since she is also Journalist.

The most interesting point of her is photography. She was using analogue camera with raw film when we did photohunt. And she also taught me how to operate it. Maybe some of you think, it is easy just press shutter button. In fact, it's not easy as we think. It is analogue professional camera. So, I need to adjust diafragma and focus. That was my first time using that kind of camera.

After capturing bundaran HI from busway shelter

From Bundaran HI we walked to Sabang for having dinner. I ate sate, while she just continue her story. She didn't eat. She said she already have dinner and her stomach is full. After having dinner, we backed to Bundaran HI and continue to Skye where located in the top of Menara BCA. She said, she wants experience from skyscrapper and taking pictures from the top of town. Because there is no high building in Bulgaria. Maybe there is, but it's not as high as that in Jakarta.

When we were waiting elevator, Petia asked "do we need to dress up?". We just dress casually. I wore casual shirt, jeans, shoes, bag and tripod. While Petia just using simple trousers and casual t-shirt and her flat shoes. When we were in 56th floor Menara BCA, the waitress ask us to dinner area. When I see the dinner area, it just close zone. I mean there is no area where we can take a picture of Jakarta from this building. If we want to do that, we must go tou lounge. But unfortunatelly it has dresscode for whoever want to go there and enjoy the circumstance. Since we are not really well dress, then we finish our night.

I took her first to her boarding house and finally backed to home. It always be interesting getting know new people and sharing our different culture. I hope there are more couchsurfer who request to me. As long as I available, I would host you around jakarta. Just let me know.

"Where The Land Inspires The World"

Minggu, 26 Oktober 2014

Phuket Trip

Everyone says about Phuket. It is one of popular place to be visited. Last year around October or November, we got promo ticket which had been informed by my mate, Stefano. Fortunatelly, we got ticket to Phuket just by IDR 550.000 for two ways flight. We have been planning this trip almost for a year. Eventually, the awaited date was coming.

1st day (September 28th, 2014)
We gathered in Airport, most of them used taxi together while I took taxi just by myself. I recently knew some of trip members there such as Husein & Meiyer. The flight took around 3 hours. Honestly, this is my first time going to another country. I didn't feel in different country since their faces look like Indonesia. I guess the name officer in Airport such as Joko, Bambang, Rudi, etc. We got free provider in Airport yet I cannot activate it in my device. So, in Phuket I just relied on wifi.

at Phuket International Airport

In the first night, we walked around Patong, Bangla Road (Popular road where tourist, ladyboy and sexy women are everywhere). I tried to eat Kebab at that night. The price is 100 Bath. Around IDR 30.000 - 40.000 but the price more delicious than I've tried in Jakarta. I also tried Mango Sticky Rice. There was no exact plan at that night, just going through Bangla Road and backed to hotel.

Place where I tried Mango Sticky Rice

Bangla Road

Patong Beach

Kapunkaaaaaa.... Special McD Style

2nd day (September 29th, 2014)
We visited Phi Phi Island. The famous one. When we booked the travel, she said we will go to 5 islands for that day. In fact, we just enjoyed Phi Phi Island and just passed by the other four islands. In the first day, I got interesting experience. In the boat, there were many people from different countries. Most of them Asian such as from India, Taiwan, Korea and so on. But there were 3 sexy women from South Africa. When I saw them with their stunning colour clothes and corn-row hair. I directly talked to them that I love their hair. I said that I have afro hair before and have plan to make it corn row before. Since I work in office, I cannot make it happen. Then, she touched my hair and she said, ya you can make it someday. Your hair type is proper. Then, I took picture with them.

Sexy South African Women

When I sat in my chair, I saw them dance uniquely. I've been stimulated to talk to them again and did dance together. I realized that dance is not easy at all. When I tried, pearl (the african woman) said "Don't pose. It needs attitude. Like give your hand to paparazzi. Do it more SWAG". Ya, both of them so SWAG hahaha And here is the video.

Fortunatelly, Maiyer took video when I asked them to dance together. And here is the behind the scene.

Behind the scene video 

Back to our trip again, we had lunch in Phi Phi Island. The one that I love the most is cold fresh water hahaha the temperature was very hot. And I felt in paradise when the water going through my esophagus. Honestly, I don't really like Phi Phi Island. I think because I expect so much before. In fact, there is no something special. Just Island with many alley like in Tidung Island. And the beach also yaaa, same with other beaches. Nothing really special.


Phi Phi Island Photos 

After back from Phi Phi Island, we swam in our hotel first. We met australian guy who can dance like a woman. Then, we walked to Bangla Road again in the night. But we entered on of bar there. Actually it's not such as night club here. There's no DJ, just band. And we spent the night by dancing together. So much fun.

Could you guess which one the australian guy?

Where I am?

Circumstance at the bar

3rd day (September 30th, 2014)
We went to Coral Beach and Maya Beach. We swam for a while in Coral Beach and had lunch in Maya Beach. I love Maya beach more than the others. There are many interesting things to be captured.

at Coral Beach

Underwater Video 

phuket trip photo phuket-trip_zpsrbsxxc29.gif
in Maya Beach

Again and again, we always going to swimming pool first before enjoy the night. In that day, we met to the Polish. Sexy mom with her kids. And we run the night as usual, just in Patong but with different activities. I tried the gellato ice cream there.

4th day (October 1st, 2014)
In the last day, we bought some gift to our relatives. I have interesting experience when I want to buy gift. I have budget just for 100 bath for one gift. I search gift within my budget. And finally I see the stainless steel glass with thailand emboss. I ask the seller how much it is. Then she just typed in calculator 1800 bath or 1180 bath. I forget the detail. Then I just shocked with the price. I just keep silent, smile and go to other store. She urged me to bargain. I tried to not even try. Because I know my budget just 100 bath and the price is more than 10 times. But, she asked me again and again "how much do you want?". Eventualy I asked "I guess it just 100 bath". She suddenly asked me with her serious face "Are you okay? I think you are sick. You need a medicine". She is not using high tone, but with serious face and tone. I just defense and said "That's why I don't want to answer, because it's out of my budget. You urge me to bargain." She madly said "How come you think this stuff just for 100 bath?". I just get out to other store still searching the gift.

We go to Airport around 4 p.m and finally say good bye to Phuket. This trip was so hillarious. Act like the tourist, enjoy the beach, try new meals. Thank you guys. See you in another trip.

P.s: if you want to see more beautiful pictures in Phuket, just follow my instagram @nizarland

"Where The Land Inspires The World"

Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014

Photobooth Lumos Production

Stay hungry and stay foolish. That is quote from Steve Jobs. He said that we shouldn't be satisfied with what we achieved. We need to keep up again and again. At few weeks ago, Lumos Production launched our new business line which is photobooth. We did it in Penang Bistro, Central Park. Personally, I enjoy that job so much.

P.s: If you have any event and need photobooth or just taking pictures or videos, just call me ;)

"Where The Land Inspires The World"

Fashion Photography Workshop

Is there one of you interested in fashion photography? If yes, you’ve missed the useful event like this event which was held by Kelas Pagi and Mind Talk. I know this information from my mate. I need to say thank to her because the event got me much knowledge and information. This event was held in Third Eye Space. I love the studio, big and artsy. And when it was started, Advan Matthew as speaker explained what fashion photography is, shared his experiences and gave us some tips. And he is the humble photographer. I hope, I can meet him at the other chance and show my great portfolio in fashion photography. I think, it would be better if I share the pictures then.

Artsy things in studio 

Advan showed us how to do beauty photography

Captured by me

With Advan Matthew

Actually, there was photo competition of street fashion photography. So, there were 5 models and we need to capture their style. But, I failed at that competition hahaha. Never mind, overall I really enjoyed that workshop. I wish I can join the next class from Kelas Pagi Jakarta.

New babies for less than $5. Can't wait to use it soon.

A vintage video recorder

"Where The Land Inspires The World"