Senin, 07 Mei 2012

Live Performance TC 2012

Finally i can through this super busy week. The most hectic week since i was in 8th term. Internship duty, seminar about my thesis and short movie for @MetalOnTC have deadline in the same week. I enjoyed filmmaking with crew and cast. I'll repost it later.

Now, i want to show some pict of live performance in Teknik Cup. I just shoot for metal performance anda TI (Teknik Industri) because eja asked me to shoot.

More Photos

"Where The Land Inspires The World"

3 komentar:

  1. Itu kapan Zar?
    ga tau ada ini


    eh zar, dapet award dari eikee

  2. ini pas hari jumat kemaren maaay, seru loh. ketauan kan anaknya udah super tua di kampus jadi gak tau beginian. hahahaha sama banget kayak gue

    award apa tuuuuch?

  3. asik foto gue dipajang di hihihi
