Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Metal Eve

Last friday, IMMt (Student Council in Metallurgy and Materials Departement) held interesting event which called "Metal Eve". This event is seems like farewell party for IMMt but in a good way. There was photo booth, rally photo, ice cream party, stand for playing PES, "gerobak sate" and of course sound system and many instrument for playing some music.

By lookin poster this event i guess that this event will be super fun and ya, my guess is true. We sing and dance together, take a pict together and laughing together.

The entrance is cool :)

Silahkan diliat foto lainnya :)
with my best president of IMMt

penampilan Metal 2011

tuh kurang seru apa cobaaaa!!! HAHAHA

Karyawan Terbaik :)
Atlit Gaple! SEDAAAAP!
meyndo, vocalist metal09. saik abis

beh! asik banget abang eneng ada efek anginnya hahaha

Anyway i shocked when MC said "oke selanjutnya pembacaan penghargaan dari Piptek (Piptek is seems like education division in IMMt)" and they called my name "Nizar Metal 2008". I already know that i will got an award from one of metal eve committee but didn't know if an award is "Piptek Awards". I really Super Happy and glad to receive that award.

berasa akademisi banget loh sob dapetnya piptek awards hahaha

Certificate of Piptek Award
ini waktu masuk semifinal imagine cup, click here

ini waktu jadi Mapres Kompetisi Teknik 2011

Metal Eve still have another activity or something that makes us more feel fun. and this is some of photos :)

More Photos
selamat babe dapet award terkocak HAHAHA

ciyeeee didi roma best couple :p

tim futsal metal

pas penampilan #metal08

bahkan cemet pun ikutan ajojing hahaha

metal 2011 waktu joget pake lagu High School Musical (kalo gak salah)

Serah Terima Jabatan ke Ketua IMMt Baru. Selamat Blak!!

kalo ini dari gaya udah ketauan, anak-anak yang suka party hahaha :p

and this event so climax, closing with the fireworks. cool :)

i think this is THE BEST EVENT I EVER HAD IN METAL. ya, to be honest, this event so fun, cool concept, great decoration and i got essence this event to blend with all of metal family.

gak harus makrab yang ngumpulin duit berbelas-belas bahkan puluhan juta untuk ke puncak atau kemana. cukup laptek disulap jadi keren kayak gini sama bikin acara yang seru menurut gue better dibanding makrab yang lama perkenalan angkatan isinya yang cuma nyebutin nama, junior dan senior favorit. mendingan metal eve karena disini kita bener-bener interaksi satu sama lain.

Salute for Project Officer, maseska who can organize this event SUPER WELL :)

oh ya, i'm forget to write that i also got one last award. The Most Favourite Photo in Arthibition. I ask to all of my friend who come to this event for vote my photo in order to winning this competition. and finally i won :D

me and my model :)

and i got this prize as the winner of arthibition, finally i got LOMO. Thanks IMMt, i would use it well and try to create something more :)

it called, LOMET (Lomo dari imet) :D

"Jangan pernah melimitasi diri kita, karena kreativitas tanpa batas"

"Where The Land Inspire The World"

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