Sabtu, 03 April 2010

kalah? no problem

waktu yang gw tunggu-tunggu uda dateng, tepatnya dua hari kemaren, tanggal 1 april?

emang ada apa zar??
jadi tanggal 1 april adalah pengumuman lomba djarum black blog competition, lomba blog yang pertama kali gw ikutin, dan hasilnya adalah gw kalaaaah. sedih banget ya. kalo mao liat siapa aja yang menang disini.

kalo dibilang kecewa ya pastilah, namanya juga kalah. tapi kekalahan ini gw terima dengan sportif, emang kalo lo liat di daftar pemenang, blog gw gak masuk kategorinya mereka. yang jadi pemenang itu pasti backgroundnya item semua, terus banyak gambar djarum blacknya. yaudalah gapapa :)

i just wanna share why i try to register this competition. the main reason is i wanna have SLR camera. from early years 2010 i already make many resolutions and one of them is have SLR camera, but i don't know how to get it. because of course i know that camera so expensive. and impossible for me to ask my mother for buying that camera for me. i try to think the way how to get that camera. if i just save my money from pocket i think thats not enough. so i found this way, register djarum black blog competition.

my expectation, if i were the winner i will sell the prize and save to buy SLR. and continue search any money from another way. as you know, i also register in chocolatos and me photo contest. i am the winner, but not the first winner. i just get MP4 player. and i think too small for one SLR camera.


first time, i interest with this camera when i try to use SLR camera. i think that so cool and make my picture become more excellent. indeed i hobby to documentating anything in my life. start from elementary school, i usually collect all of picture from my friends. i personally think, impossible for me to have timing machine  but i will be in the past when i saw any picture. and then i think my life is will be more wonderful if i have this camera, so that i can take a pict anything and anytime i want.


p.s if anyone of you have information about some competition that i can be, please let me know, thanks :)

3 komentar:

  1. heheheee...
    namaku juga ga ada di list :((

  2. namaku juga ga ada di list :((


  3. iya, menurut gw yang menang yang "begitu2" deh. seragam semua jenis blognya. gw pribadi si kurang begitu suka sama blog2 yang jadi pemenang.
    layoutnya item semua. gak orisinil

    *menurut gw
