Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

Monas + Bunderan HI bareng Aresta

yak temen-temen, lama banget ya rasanya gak mosting sesuatu yang ngasal dan gak pake mikir. ini dia nih, waktu minggu malem kemaren, malem tanggal 22 agustus. gue, rudi, ojan, sultan sama bebel pada jalan-jalan keliling jakarta. tujuan pertama kita yaitu ke monas. kita buat farewell party kecil-kecilan buat si bebel. soalnya tanggal 23 agustusnya dia mao pulang ke kalimantan.

monas, we will rock you!

ini si bebel, farewell party girl (maksa) haha

di monas, yang cowo-cowoknya (kita berempat selaen bebel pada maen basket) beh! cowo abis gak tuh. sporty abis mameeeen. apalagi gue. sumpah ya, kalo lo liat gue slam dunk cewe-cewe bisa langsung jatuh hati deh :3

slam dunk mamen, bebalik gitu lagi gayaknye

mau tau gimana caranya? ini gue kasih tips nya. baik gak tuh

Tips 'n trick

ketauan ada orang yang megangin dibawahnya
namanya juga usaha boooy hahaha

oh ya, gue dapet foto sultan yang keren banget loh. tapi kali ini beneran sultan bergaya sendiri, natural tanpa tips trick hoax kayak gue diatas hahaha

mantap kaaaaan?

itu sebenernya bola basket kita pinjem sama orang, kenalan disana gitu. yakali niat ke monas bawa bola basket. hehe oke trip continued to Bundaran HI. disana kita duduk-duduk bahkan sampe tidur ngegeleparan juga, ngupi-ngupi ganteng, sama maenin gitar. tapi kayak basket tadi gitarnya juga kita boleh minjem sama orang disana hehe

foto close-up



Rudi GM


hayo hayo.. dipilih dipilih dipiliiiiiih.. jadi serasa kontak jodoh ya. mao yang mana tinggal add facebooknya. kalo mao sama yang nulis juga bisa add facebooknya ada tuh bannernya di samping blog ini (WOOOOOY!!! APAAN BANGET SIH LO?!) hahahha

gak tau kenapa, gue lagi suka aja foto close-up hehe. masih ada lagi nih kelakuan mereka lainnya

fix yang ini JIJIK banget sih. hahaha
gue aja agak males-males gitu waktu motonya (BOONG LO WOY?!)

itu sambil liat foto yang di atas harusnya sambil denger lagu "kaaaaaau.. taaaak..seeendiiiiiriiiiii, kuuuu ingin bersamamu" HAHAHA udah gak usah dibahas lagi. oh ya sebagai ucapan terima kasih sama yang minjemin gitar akhirnya gue moto bareng juga. sesama kribo gak boleh saling mendahului yaa

kenapa banget rambut gue mesti belah tengah gitu. NAJIS!

wuiiiiih wuiiiiiih, masa gue baru pertama kali loh liat sepeda yang kece banget kayak gini. tapi gue gak ngerti itu dia kalo mao berenti gimana. kan susah bener nginjek tanahnya. terus kalo jatoh dari sepeda itu mungkin rasanya kayak jatoh dari rumah lantai dua kali ya. hahahha abisnya tinggi bangeeet meeeeen. ini fotonya

yakan tinggi bangeet?

gak lama kemudian, rombongan baru dateng lagi berlima. setelah itu mereka mulai foto-foto dan kita berlima bikin video OENJOE BUANGUETSS!! buat sih bebel. tadi sih niatnya mao di post. hmmmmm, di post gak ya? kayaknya gak usah deh karena terlalu unyu. video itu spesial buat si bebel. kalo kata si rudi a.k.a GM "pasti nontoninnya nangis nih pas di kamar" hahaha ayooooo ngaku beeeel

rombongan terakhir
okeeeh, sekian aja ya. mungkin buat yang kangen sama postingan gue yang indonesia dan sampah kayak gini. this post is especially for you. hahaha tapi emang gue lagi sok-sok pake bahasa inggris gitu sih. biar keliatan intelek dikit. haha (padahal kagak juga sih). enggak enggak, buat belajar aja. sama kalo ada bule-bule dari mexico atau mana yang baca blog gue kan jadi paham noh. okaaaay? see you in next post :)

"Where The Land Inspire The World"

Breakfasting with SD-mate

after we didn't meet at all. and finally last sunday we've met in kiki's house for breakfasting together. very long time no see them as my elementary school mate. i just meet with one-two person since we graduate. what happy i am can gather with my chilhood friend who annocent, funny and more memories when we was at school. hope we more often gathering and close like we are in elementary school :)

me and gahthan. he is my close friend until now
since he is my chairmate who ask me to love bollywood movie :p

you know me lah, which one the beauty and which one the beast?
hehehe no no, just kidding :p

see you again guys, i'm ready if we want to have fun together again someday :)

"Where The Land Inspire The World"

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

Buka Puasa Bareng #metal08

after we didn't gather for long time maybe up to 2 months and finally we meet again for breakfasting together in ndaw's house. opening food, 'ortega' rice, happiness of us really complete my day. thank god i am #metal08 :)

captured by: Allam & Joni

"Where The Land Inspire The World"

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Bukber Charastree 2011

after one year, finally we meet again for breakfasting together. for this year, we gathered in KFC Kalimalang. after eat we moved to "Rumah Nenek" (one of our friend called "nenek" so we went to her house :p). really glad can gather again, chit-chat again, had a joke together, snap some picts, remind about our memories.

charastree is name of 3rd class in SHS. so we fight together to through nationality final exam. and we success together. i wish we could meet again in next time and all of us more success, happier, more handsome like me (apaan banget sih haha), more beautiful (biar ehem..ehem gitu haha), the best luck for us. see you later :)

full team in KFC

percaya? musyrik! hahaha

full team at "Rumah Nenek"

dadah, see you in next post :p

"Where The Land Inspire The World"

YOT Berbagi

august 13th, 2011. the second event in Young On Top after YOT NC the first one. YOT Berbagi is seems like charity event for the orphans. we breakfasting together while celebrate our mentor's birthday, mas billy. Happy Birthday mas billy once more, GBU :)

Quality time with all of YOT CAs. happy :)

full team

"Where The Land Inspire The World"

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

Multicultural People in Kemang

party with foreigner season two. even not as long as at splash, but at least i got new friends from another country. thanks to rivky as AIESEC-ers who ask me to join :)

sama noni belande, sayang kurang deket ngambil gambarnye

"Where The Land Inspire The World"

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

RTC on Ice

long time no gather with colleague RTCUIFM (gak juga sih, padahal sering hehe) and last thursday we went to Taman Anggrek to play ice skating. it my twice. and as usually, i really enjoy the game (even i'm not too great skater and can't stop skating well :p)

and many more

kurang aul sama cusi

Happy Birthday bebe & indra :D

unyu seunyu-unyunya haha

dan pulangnya ditraktir pizza sama bebe. aseeek haha

oh ya, one photo left

aduuuuh, si jeng jeng ini lagi arisan :p HAHAHAHAHA

"Where The Land Inspire The World"

YOT National Conference

July, 23th 2011 there was Big and Great Event and it names Young On Top National Conference. first event from YOT since i join as YOT CA. and this event really inspiring me and the others. and happy can blend with another CA. All of the speaker are inspiring. but i choose two of my favorites. the first is mas Iwan Setyawan (Author of 9 Summers 10 Autums) and the second is Coach Rene (Career Coach).

Mas Iwan Setyawan was the first speaker and from my opinion he was the touchest speaker of that day. he is good story-teller. he told us story about him from he was the child of 'Angkot' driver in Malang, until he can success like now as director in one of company in NEW YORK.

that's really amazing. he told us how they really love his family. he always holding hand together when there was problem. even their family not from educated-people but he thought that his family learn him about great value which he get from the street.

Small person with Big vision
i remember one of his quote:
My mom not actually well-educated but intelectually enlighted
-Iwan Setyawan-
he teach to through fear, to care with people around you, to be warm people. if you want to get more value from him just read his book (9 Summers 10 Autums).

and about coach rene, he teach us to love our job. find your passion honestly. "Think Less, Feel More" that one of his quote to find your passion. he really funny and humble person. don't judge this is your passion or not. through it first, at least 3 months then you'll know this is your passion or no.

oh ya, i remember his message to do #Misi21. let's follow @Misi21. so you have to do extra-ordinary, unusual activity in 21 consecutive day. after that write down your activity. if you lost one day, you have to do it again from first day. ya thats interesting, i want try that challenge.

me and my favorite coach (Coach Rene)

overall i really happy can in charge in this event. really first great event in YoungOnTop. i hope next event will me more amazing. see you :)

YOT Family :')

anyway let's follow @YoungOnTop to get inspiration everyday :)

"Where The Land Inspire The World"

Produce Russian Roulette

first movie that i wanna produce with Sinetra Crew (Pre-UKM in University of Indonesia about Cinematography). the title is Russian Roulette. actually i not really enjoy the excecution. i don't know why. but i try to be honest. wish the movie will be good

if movie alredy finished, i'll show you what a great movie it is :p

"Where The Land Inspire The World"

Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Rest In Peace iki

oke this post fully dedicated for my beloved bestfriend

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un, last saturday night (July 30th, 2011) i lost one of my bestfriend, and he was "iki". i know iki not just for one year or two years but more than 10 years. since he is my childhood friend, my neighbour (my house is really next to his house. if he sing, i can hear from my room's window), friend who play together, stay in middle of the night together, hang out together, etc.

ya he already got sickness since he was child. but with his spirit he can go through anything at all. he is my friend who really though. i got many values of life from him. undirectly he teach me to always share happiness to people around us. always smile, never be angry, be polite with people who older than us.

this is the first time my friend past away, "MY BESTFRIEND" i mean. Rest In Peace iki. wish you stay in best place.

Memories with iki

pas becanda lagi sholat
karokean bareng
ini udah lumayan lama, pas jaman mao nonton transformer
iya bener mao nonton transformer
nah kalo ini baru2 ini pas begadang sambil makan nasgor bareng :'(

thank god i live with neighbour who really care each other. i think they are not just my neighbour, but they already like my family. gather together, laugh together. we were helping each other when one of us had problem. i really miss that moment when we gather with iki. now one of our family had gone T_T

kangen saat iki manggil "kung, keluar lagi gak lo?". kangen saat iki nanyain "ka*l, kemane lo? kangen saat iki bbm gue nanyain bahasa inggris buat bales bbm ke gebetannya, kangen pas dia mention gak jelas twitter gue, kangen baca "wkwkwkwkwkw" nya dia, kangen pas balik dari nongkrong bareng terus kita sama-sama masuk ke pintu rumah masing, he always said "makasih ya kung, besok keluar lagi". iki, you're really my bestfriend.

Ya Allah tempatkanlah sahabat terbaikku di tempat terbaik-Mu

god, if iki can wake up just one time. give him time for read this post and i want hug him. really miss when he was gone. not just me, all of us miss you ki :'(

#aresta family
p.s: sorry if this post so freakin' bitchy. but ya, since he is REALLY MY CLOSE BELOVED BESTFRIEND :"(

"Where The Land Inspire The World"